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We have designed a wide range of beautiful and practical modular walls that can fit into almost any interior. 

Our walls are very easily installed and just as easy to demount again, offering both long term and short term installations in your space. The walls come in many different styles and surfaces to meet your taste. We have a selection of designs that can adapt to any interior space and create unique and beautiful rooms. 

The wall is ideal for domestic spaces, offices, retail, hospitality, childcare, schools and universities, doctors and hospitals. But also for temporary installation such as the film and theatre industry, in temporary housing like refugee centres, in exhibitions, trade fairs and shows. With Tallywalls your office can become a home, a retail space a kindergarten and a dentist’s a gallery in no time. 

The way we build currently is not sustainable. At the moment the Building Industry is responsible for 850 milion tones of landfil waste every year in europe alone. Most buildings built today are made primarily from concrete, a natural resource that is running out drastically.  Our consumption of sand in concrete is sourced mainly from the Ocean and is causing the erosion of beaches to the point where so far worldwide over 25 island have disappeared from the face of the earth, as a direct result of our irresponsible way of building. This has to stop.

Our mission is to create a simple solution that allows for an easy and resourceful renovation and repurposing of existing buildings. Tallywall is a concept that tackles the ever-growing amount of building waste we produce. The idea is that exteriors of buildings are merely shells that can be easily repurposed anytime using flexible walls. This way they don't have to be demolished. 



It doesn’t have to look green to be green.

In order to move towards a more sustainable building culture every aspect of architecture should become more worthwile. This does not mean that buildings have to be compostable or that we have to change the aesthetics of our architecture though. Simply reusing our materials is a great step towards a more resourceful future. Tallywall’s are 100% reusable and are designed to last. After every use they can be returned, are repolished and reused in a different environment. 

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