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Richlite and sustainable are slightly textured walls that make contemporary sustainable and exciting interiors. 

Richlite produces an incredibly dark, durable material made from compressed paper. Its leathery feel and warmth complement a range of interiors. The surface of this material is special as, like wood, it develops a natural patina over time and ages to become darker, and more dramatic. It also shows scratches, giving it an even more leathery appeal. The surface can be sanded and re-polished to look new, or can proudly represent its previous use. We offer both versions in our assortment. Other than the moderate scratch resistance, the paper composite material is nonporous, heat and water-resistant and can therefore be carefreely used in kitchens, bathrooms and within children’s reach. 

Sustonable is a company that recycles fabrics and plastic and merges these to create beautiful stone imitations. Like with our recycled plastic surfaces, we offer a selection of pre-surfaced panels as well as the opportunity for you to get in touch and have us surface your preferred stone look on your panels. Sustonable, like Smile Plastics and Durat can be sanded down and repolished but they also take back all their materials to reinsert them into a circular lifecycle. This material is wonderfully sustainable as it recycles existing waste and creates 80% less waste than traditional materials in its production. The features of this material are that it is nonporous and therefore waterproof and easy to clean. 



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